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Thursday, September 9, 2010

On A Quest For...An Official AR State Park Explorer Badge and Certificate

This summer I had the privilege to rove around the Natural State with one of my fave buds...that would be my little nomad, Noah! While we had a blast making ghostly YouTube videos to checking out the Laman Library, we especially enjoyed exploring the beautiful State Parks of Arkansas! You see, I found out about the AR State Park Explorer Badge and Certificate program (for kids from 6-14) by following @ArStateParks on Twitter and FB. This knowledgeable program is for people who care about nature, history, safety, and fun and it also helps kids (and Nana's) to...
Discover what State Parks are. Prepare to be safe. Connect your mind and heart to State Parks. Share your experience.
Noah and I are still working on his badge and certificate...maybe we will see you at one of the AR State Parks in the near future as we plan to complete the necessary activities soon.  However, there is no time limit as we journey the 52 state parks of AR at our own leisurely pace. Wanna get your badge and certificate too? Just go by any Arkansas State Park and ask for a Field Guide for the Explorer Badge and Certificate and follow these easy and fun steps:
 Print your name on the first section of this Field Guide. Complete all the activities and questions on the Field Guide. Each section has a yellow circle in the upper right corner. When you complete that section's activities and questions, fill in the circle. Sections can be completed in any order, at any Arkansas State Park(s). No time limit. When you fill in all the circles, take your Field Guide to a park official. He or she will review and sign it. You are ready to receive your certificate and badge! 
 Discover and own your Arkansas State Parks today! And who could say it better than Willa Cather, an American novelist as she wrote in O Pioneers!
We come and go, but the land is always here.  And the people who love it and understand it, are the people who own it-- for a little while.

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