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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thankful 2013...

So many things to be thankful for this past year...

I'm thankful for my relationship with the Father because I have relinquished all my fears and frets to Him...what a relief! 

I'm thankful that I have relationships so strong with my daughter, son, and three grandsons that nothing or no one can come between them...and, people do try, believe it or not.

I'm thankful for my marriage of 26 years and a bestfriend forever who protects me through thick and thin...and there have been many thick and thins along the way.

I'm thankful that my friend's melanoma was caught at an early stage and removed before it could cause deadly problems...it was just a harmless mole for many years. Funny how things can turn on you.

I'm thankful that my Daddy is now in Heaven and does not have to endure the pain and suffering that life on Earth brings to all of us...and he handled his hardships so gallantly.

I'm thankful that my husband, finally after all these years, is now working for a compassionate company that truly cares and supports the welfare of their employees and shares the wealth they have been blessed with..."Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!"

I'm thankful for all my friends, some whom I have known forever, and others for a short while...they give my life balance, joy, fun, conversation, smiles, sanity, music, LIKES, cards, lunches, and much more too lengthy to go on.

I'm thankful for the four footed creatures I have been given this year and all previous years...as they have needed me as much as I have them. They have brought me soooo much joy!

I'm thankful for my good health and enthusiasm and hope for these continued strengths in the coming year as my Savior guides and protects me all the way

And, finally I'm thankful for you reading this! My Hope is for you, that you will know what I know and keep on sharing the Good News in 2014!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Seven Dogs of Rescue...

Of the first time I rescued...a lost dog found me...a cute beagle doggie with a loving plea.

Of the second time I rescued...a lost dog found me...a little black and adorable puppy.

Of the third time I rescued...a lost dog found me... a red looking bird dog, with sad eyes, and many, many fleas.

Of the fourth time I rescued...a lost dog found me...a smart little terrier we would soon deeply love, and we named her Honey.

Of the fifth time I rescued...a lost dog found me... a never ending herder, we named her Ellie, the border collie.

Of the sixth time I rescued...a lost dog found me... a full blooded, beautiful, and black Scottie. 

Of the seventh time I rescued...a lost dog found me...an ever loving shepherd, with eyes like an angel, and we named her Daisy.

Yes , it all started with:
1 doggie glancing...
2 doggies prancing... 
3 doggies crying...
4 doggies whining...
5 doggies sad...
6 doggies praying...
7 tails a wagging...
And, now all doggies with a mommy...SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHELTER, PLEASE!