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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Taking Out The Stinking Trash 2018

Betcha got some stinking trash hanging around your life, huh?  We all do. Fact of life. As Judge Judy once said, “Visiting relatives are like the trash, kept around too long, it starts to stink.”  Here’s a handy to do list for taking out your stinking trash during the new year...
  1. Stop procrastinating. Do it now. There’s no time like the present.
  2. Always do the right thing and love others while you’re doing it! Sounds hard, but it’s not. 
  3. Remove toxic family and friends from your life. Life’s too short for those that suck the positive energy out of you (and bad shoes.) Splurge on good people and Gucci.
  4. Stop the stinginess. Give back. Especially where you have planted your roots.  Make your community a better place to live. Give a hoot like Officer Tommy Robinson in the North Little Rock, Arkansas area. This guy rocks!
Well, this handy list should get you started. Toss out that stinking trash. Hope your life starts to smelling sweet again. Happy New Year, 2018!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Reflecting Renouncing Rebelling 2018

Reflecting back this past year, I’ve realized there are a few things goin’ the Southern route in my life. Yep, got some thangs that need afixin.
For example, Ive had a friend in my life for many years.  She knows it all. Yes, anything and everything you want to know about whatever, whenever, or whoever, she knows it.  She’s often wrong. Who am I kidding? She’s ALWAYS wrong and I’m sick of listening to her. Here goes the plan:

  1. Identify Problem: Freakin’, annoying, asshole who is an opinionated know it all but, is a friend I do not want to get rid of because, friends are an investment and I’ve spent many years cultivating this one.
  2. Goal: To continue the relationship and not get so freakin’ annoyed at the asshole when she starts her brilliantness.  
  3. Brainstorming:  Strangle her, duct tape on mouth, ear plugs, Google (really knows it all) on the spot to correct her while simultaneously embarrassing the heck out of her, slap her silly, or silently pray for the Rapture as I’m talking to her. 
  4. Assess Alternatives: All the above sound perfectly legitimate for the situation. Decisions?!?!
  5. Choose Solution: Maybe I was a bit too harsh with the alternatives above. Hmmm, I guess,  just recognizing she wants attention, then complimenting what she does get right, and redirecting her back to reality could be a start.  
  6. Active Execution:  I’m inspired. New year, new beginning. Can’t wait to see her. Gotta lot of work to do (see 5. above). I’m worn out just thinking about it. Perseverance will come in handy.
  7. Evaluation:  Yes, it’s very annoying to be around one who knows everything for those that do. Will let you know how it turns out. To be continued... Happy New Year!!! Make this coming year your best yet!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Have a Very Giggly Merry Christmas

BART and I do Therapy Dog International  visits and have met some very nice, kind, and SUPER people. We completed our test to jump into this adventure last spring and what a wonderful life it is! 

There’s just something about encouraging young kids to read to BART and watch them get excited as they improve. Kids are so receptive to this way of teaching and about the best thing a parent, educator, public servant, or grandparent can do for a child is take them to the library and get them to read, read, read! 

BART and I wish you a very giggly and Merry Christmas! Stay safe through the holidays and don’t forget to encourage READING in your household,  because that’s where it all starts.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Girls Just Wanna Have The Giggles

Have you seen  Time’s Person of the Year 2017??  My elbow is on the cover. The other Silence Breakers include Taylor Swift for breaking free (and winning in court) with her “groping” experience. 

BTW, thank you to all the women who have bravely come forth with their sexual harassment stories. We are proud that this monumental moment in history is being documented for all of us. And, we’re not gonna take it anymore! 

I’m a newly made Swifty. Have you got your Reputation tickets yet!!?!? Because, girls just wanna have the giggles.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Done With Going Overboard

My life has been spent in the fast lane. Forever busy, always going, going here, going there, always going everywhere. As a homemaker, a mother, a grandmother, a caregiver of animals, a soap maker, a student, a teacher, and a volunteer for non-profits all my life, I’ve worked very hard. I’m tired.

I’ve recently dropped out of  three wonderful organizations where I have devoted many years of volunteer service. I’ve structured my soap business to accommodate 12 loyal customers. My kids and grandkids are beautifully self sufficient and live far away. My dogs are growing old gracefully and dying out. I’ve slowed down. 

I cannot begin to express how absolutely wonderful it is to wake up each morning and not have to go somewhere. I am more relaxed and comfortable and find it hard to believe I actually enjoy puttering around in my own home doing a little bit of nothing each day. At 67 years of age, I finally have resigned and retired myself to a more sedate way of life. I’ve gone from a Type A to a Type B. I’m done with going overboard.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Labor Day Giggles 2017

Hope you are planning a great and giggly Labor Day!  The beautiful Hot Springs and Lake Hamilton area is where I will be. Many years have been spent on these waters. In fact, you're not living right if you're not taking advantage of Arkansas's fun filled, Hot Springs attractions. Our family traditions include fresh and always delicious seafood at Fisherman's Wharf Steak & Seafood, boating (day and evening) on gorgeous Lake Hamilton , and above all, do not forget your daily bath and massage on Bath House Row. Try the cool sorbet recipe pictured below for a super easy Labor Day dessert which will give you more time on the lake!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day...

My dad died in 2013 at the age of 88. He had suffered from several strokes the previous 25 years. Having been a strong man all his life, his declining mobility and frailty were extremely hard to experience through that passage of time. However,  his brilliant mind was left beautifully intact.  

He was a machinist for the Mo Pac RR in NLR for over 50 years and was well known and respected for being able to repair anything brought before him. They would say, "If Bill can't fix it, you just as well throw it away."

He taught me many valuable lessons in life like the value of hard work, money, and the importance of family to name a few. However, the best thing he transferred to me was his shining example of perseverence and doing the best he could at everything he would ever do.

Declarations such as always, never, and everything are often mistakenly used but hardly ever true. But, in the name of Bill Montgomery, these words are always correct. I will always love my Daddy and never forget him ever. He was everything to me. 


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Living a Tortoise Life in a Hare Fueled World

I was once a hare long, long ago. But, somehow I've evolved into a wonderful, hard shelled, slow as molasses tortoise. I cannot explain how this happened. Actually, science, Bible study, and evolution are fascinations of mine. Being the Bible (greatest Book in the world) thumping, devoted Christian that I am, I do believe you can have both science and Christianity in the same realm of thought. 

In fact, well informed paleontologists are searching diligently for that one skeletal fossil that will finally (Hah!!!) be the scientific evidence that will link us to our primitive ancestors. (Carry on Dr. Peter Ungar , I'm betting on you.) I do digress. Back to my strange predicament. Don't know how it happened but, I do love the new ME...

Life, as a tortoise, is a lot more simple now days. During the evolvement, I lost my ability to muktitask and run around like a harried rabbit, doing things that I really had rather not. I don't miss these primitve ways. Instead, they have changed into an uncanny ability to do one thing at a time, do the best I am able, not mind what others say, and do only what is important to me. Miraculous! My linguistics have also evolved.  I am now able to say NO. Yes, NO has replaced antiquated terms like OH, SURE, BE GLAD TO, and CERTAINLY to name a few. 

It's really nice being a tortoise in a harried world. There are some pesky growing pains, though.  Like when I'm lolligagging (or is it dilly dallying) down the road and those crazy hares are everywhere. Hope they get to where they are going. I've already arrived. 


Friday, June 9, 2017

Giving To The St Francis House

For many, many years the St. Francis House at 2701 S Elm in LR, Arkansas has been doing a great service for veterans and their families as they re enter back into home life. 

As a member of The North Little Rock Woman's Club our #GFWC Domestic Violence Signature Program responded to this charity with a collection of pajamas and toiletries. Jacqie Travis and Dianne Hocut delivered to Ken Mace, assistant director at the House, a box full of pjs and personal items yesterday. The graciousness and hospitality we received from these gentlemen was very rewarding and, knowing that our gifts will go to good use, we are happy to have started a continuous relationship with this wonderful charity.






Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Put A Little Light On The Subject

Found a great article this morning from the largest charity in the U.K., Breast Cancer UK. It has a wonderful visual aid to help us decide what to slather and soap up all over our bodies.
Just know that everytime you choose to use a product with carsinogen (cancer causing agents) known ingredients probably means that “your skin absorbs 60% of what you put on it,” and “anything you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream within 26 seconds,” #DitchTheJunk check it out!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How 'Bout Some Handmade Soaps and Lotions...

Every once in a while I tend to go on and on about how we are applying way too many chemicals, harsh detergents, and other harmful ingredients to our skin! Yuck!  And double yuck to those red pimply looking bumps that sometimes appear all over your body parts (way too often) after you've used a new product. You might think you have rosacea or some dreadful skin condition like eczema.

That's what I thought. Then I checked with my dermatologist and he set me straight. Straight to using quality organic and super expensive products without all those harsh preservatives and ingredients. Check your product labels and you will see what I mean. That was many years and much money ago. No red bumpy skin reactions for a long time. No swollen eye areas. Thank goodness but, hard on the pocketbook.

These days I save a lot of money and make my own soaps and lotions. (Yes, goggles, lye and soap molds.) And, my own deodorant and face creams, exfoliates, and laundry cleaner. I use only the best ingredients for my handmade products like olive, coconut, palm, and essential oils. There are no preservatives added which means bacteria could creep in unless you use the product quickly and wisely. For instance, my GMG All-Natural Facial and Body Cream w/ Zinc Oxide 4 fl oz/1.80 ml $10 per jar lasts for a couple of months with daily use and application with a wooden craft stick prevents germs from creeping in. My body sucks this stuff up. I cannot live without it.

I love to share. So, I mainly donate my sweet and luscious handmade items to non-profit causes but, I do sell to a group of close friends. If you have a need for a donation (or want to become a close friend customer-Hallelujah) please email me and state your cause! I'm making a delivery soon to the new Arkansas State Veterans Nursing Home in North Little Rock Have you seen that place yet? Wow! What a great way to serve our Vets! Check it out, it's a beautiful place in our neighborhood.

Email me for a detailed price list of my soaps and lotions DianneHocut@gmail.com
And, also if you have a cause or need for my soaps and lotions at your non-profit organization. 


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Retirement on the Lake

I've never had a real job. The fact is, I've been dependent on someone else to bring the bacon home pretty much all my life. Ok, all my life. My daddy, my husband(s). I'm not complaining. Actually, I'm very thankful for all the blessings I have continuously received and taken well care of all these years (please Trump, don't blow it for me, now). It's been a rough way to go, but I believe we all have it rough no matter what our situations.

The reason I'm now able to retire comfortably and live the lake life is because I have educated myself, saved for that rainy day (and many more days as well) and cut corners all my life. Teach your kids the value of a (fluctuating) dollar, the necessity for higher/further education, how to do handy work around the house, the value of home ownership, saving more than spending, and for all you girls out there how to have 'economic security' in a man's world. 

Almost forgot the common denominator in all of the Never give up and always start your day with a giggle and a prayer! See ya on the lake..

Friday, April 28, 2017

Loving Living In NLR

The North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce know how to through a great party. The inaugural event of the season was electrifying last night in the Downtown Argenta area. The Fashion Event was hosted by the beautiful KATV Melinda Mayo and Buzz 103.7 Justin Acri . The models all stole the show, even the Mayor Joe Smith! Wow, oh what a night! Check out the pics...