Would Love A Follow

Friday, December 9, 2011

DiPhone Chaps My Apps

Just when I thought I had almost figured out my DiPhone(surely you have a pet name for your favorite toy), this smarty pants little treasure completely chaps my apps! It all happened the other day as I was syncing my DiPhone with my DiTunes account and low and behold the next thing you know, I had lost all my apps! A few months ago I would have gone to the hall closet and screamed my diLungs out, but because Mr. Jobs has helped me become a confident, savvy, computer/techie wizard person, I put on my thinking cap...and started reloading all the free apps I had previously downloaded...all those I could remember, that is.

The moral of this story...keep a written list of your favorite apps and if you do loose them and have to reload, be sure to check out some really cool new apps as well! I would have never found the NYTimes Scoop App (surely I'll get to NYC some day) if this unfortunate mishap had not happened. Just continuing to make lemonade out of lemons...what's your favorite app you can't do without?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

On A Quest For That Doggie Rainbow Bridge In The Sky

A most traumatic thing happened to me today and I feel the need to write...

As I was taking Ruff, Hermie, and Honey for a morning walk, Ruff began to cry out, then drop down, and finally collapse upon just starting our walk. He was dead a few minutes later. I've never lost a healthy, eight year old dog like this. And, I hope it will be the last.

Ruff was a wonderful gregarious shepherd mix I found in 2003. He and Red(alive and well and sad)were playing in the parking lot of a motel I had stopped at around 9:30pm. I looked at them periodically through the night peeking out my window. Upon leaving the next morning, Ruff and Red were sleeping soundly in the motel's flower bed. I started to leave but couldn't. I then loaded the two lost and dirty but sweet and loving dogs in my car and they have lived with me ever since. All my pets are spayed, neutered, flea and heart worm free and well taken care of. I do not hoard animals...I simply have eight seven dogs who have not had a decent home until I took them in.

I love each dog I care for and all the others who have no home and all the others who do. I simply love animals and all other furry critters. As a child, I dreamed of being a veterinarian when I grew up...I guess you could say my dream came half way true because through the years I have been fortunate to be able to take care of many lost, broken, hurt, injured, and neglected animals. Ruff was one of the best... and today I'm especially on a quest for that Doggie Rainbow Bridge in the sky...

Monday, November 14, 2011

On A Quest For The Crystal Bridges Of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas

OMG, HTB(Heavens to Betsy), and I do declayah, RUN don't walk to the new museum, graciously given to us by The Walton's from Bentonville, Arkansas! And, special thanks to Miss Alice who seems to be the lady in charge of this huge extravaganza!! For many, her monumental task might be considered the cart before the horse,(check this link to see what I mean) however, some of us are of the philosophy if you build it, they will come! And, a whopping $1.2 billion is said to have built this project! Believe me, they weren't telling tall tales! Oh, and admission is free, just do as I did, and go to http://CrystalBridges.org to reserve your tickets today. Easy as pie!

This exclusive wonder is located just minutes from the town square where Sam Walton started it all and is nestled in a 120 acre ravine which spans the creek called Crystal Spring. Take I540N toward Bentonville, exit 86, left at the light, down to J Street and hang a right, and follow the signs. Once there you will discover a breathtaking array of 400 works by American artists which tell the story of America's history as seen by its artists. Temporary exhibitions are on display as well. Be sure to keep your mouth closed (so a bug won't fly in) and do plan on staying the entire day with elaborate amenities such as the Coffee Bar, the Museums's restaurant, Eleven, which serves an innovative twist to lunch and dinner cuisine, the Museum Store(of course), and The Library which offers a large collection of art reference materials.  Click the link for hours and details! The grounds of the Museum are just as impressive as the art inside so be sure to dress comfortably and experience the natural environment too.

I took tons of pictures but, just as I did when I traveled to The Louvre in Paris... pictures do not do justice...you have to go for yourself... anyway, here are few of my favorites which kept my jar dropping...on my day at the Museum...

Of course, Norman Rockwell(1894-1926) Rosie the Riveter, 1943 Oil on canvas

Mary Cassatt(1844-1926) Summertime, 1894 Oil on canvas

Andy Warhol(1928-1987) Dolly Parton, 1985 Synthetic polymer and screen print on canvas

Evan Penny(b.1953) Old Self: Portrait of the Artist as He Will (Not) Be, Variation #2, 2010 Silicone, pigment, hair, fabric, aluminum

Karen Lamonte(b.1967) Dress Impression with Wrinkled Cowl, 2007 Cast glass

Friday, November 11, 2011

On A Quest For the Annual Silver Tea in Eureka Springs, Arkansas 2011

Every year in December, the wonderful women from Saint James Episcopal Church in Eureka Springs, Arkansas throw a memorable event for all those who attend called The Annual Silver Tea at the Crescent Hotel. This year the event will be held Thursday, December 1, 2011 from two till four in the afternoon.

I love attending this event because the people of this exciting Ozark/Victorian city go all out to welcome everyone who attends! They dress in full Victorian costume, make delicious homemade desserts and sandwiches, and serve tea the proper English way with the finest silver service the Crescent Hotel has to offer. The event is donation at the door and always goes toward a fine project in the Eureka Springs area. Last year's beneficiary was the Carnagie Library and the year before was the Good Shepherd Humane Society of Eureka Springs.  The Christmas Parade in the downtown historic district will follow on Saturday. Check out some pics I took last year and do save the date! Will I see you there??

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On A Quest For Some Really Good Cajun Cooking...

Don't you just love the way our Little Rock River Market area has progressed in the last few years? This place has so much to offer the residents of the area as well as the visitors coming in. And, they are coming in most frequently these days thanks to the many sites to see, the great places to shop, and the wonderful new restaurants! It's a great place to do some fine moseyin' however, if you want to get down with some serious Cajun eating, do check out Redbones! Loved the Red Beans & Rice, mile high Cornbread, and the Pimento Cheese just like my mom use to make!!! And, after you're full and satisfied and maybe lookin' for some learnin'...don't miss the fabulous Clinton Library.  

Redbone's Downtown on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mermaids New Location...What Happened to Savor??

Mermaids on Urbanspoon
Hey, don't go to the Green Acres Road address...move on down the road to the new Mermaids location! Same great food, friendly staff, and delightful drinks but wait till you see the new digs! Mermaids, now located in the old Savor building is going really strong to accommodate Fayetteville's hungry patrons and night life. We got there early and by the end of the evening all tables were full and happy. Our group had a little bit of everything and all was really good. Me and #3 stayed legal on our new vegan lifestyle with suggestions from our super waiter! The crowd at the bar looked like they were really enjoying themselves as everyone soaked up the warm, cozy, and huge new surroundings. Try Mermaids first...we've never been disappointed.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

On A Quest For The Newly Refurbished North Little Rock Sea Wall

Many thanks to the proud sponsor, North Little Rock Woman's Club for the fine job it does in organizing the refurbishing of our North Little Rock sea wall every ten years! Once again these ladies have succeeded in bringing together the necessary supplies, refreshments, and local artists who pitched in to make this decennial event an overwhelming success.

An appreciation coffee with special representation by NLR Mayor Patrick Hayes was held at the Woman's Club on October 28, 2011. Special recognition, awards, and many thank yous went out to the Mayor's office for contributing the supplies, the NLR Woman's Club for catering the lunches, and the local artists for delivering the talent. This combined team effort has been successful in making North Little Rock, Arkansas a beautiful place to live and visit! Do drop in to the Main Street bridge area to check out our beautiful sea wall and if that's not possible, scan the pictures below. And, be sure to mark your calendar for the next refurbishing...maybe you'll be there to help!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Leisurely Drive Through the Ozarks

The leaves are not at peak just yet. In the Ozarks of Arkansas that will be the weekend of October 21st according to ozarkmtns.com. But, yesterday was a perfect day for a leisurely drive through the Ozarks and I did get some nice pictures. Beautifully gorgeous red, yellow, and brown leaves aren't the only draw to the Ozarks...

Who knew that Royal Oak Charcoal of Roswell, Georgia has a place near Kingston, AR??

This curly haired critter came up really close to say hello...he sensed and loves my new lifestyle...

Always a treat to see the Elk of Ponca!

 The big yellow sleeping cat on the counter was not for sale...he owns the place. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Returning To The Past

The other day I returned to North Heights Elementary School in the Levy area of North Little Rock to deliver dictionaries to the 3rd grade students. Each year the North Little Rock Woman's Club donates and delivers these much needed books, and this year I enjoyed this privilege for the first time. The solid wood, three pane, front doors with brass handles were the same doors I use to pass through so many years ago...
Immediately to my left there was a big poster of famous Latino and Hispanic role models (such as George Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, and Sonia Sotomayor) for the students since most of the students in this area are of that origin.
There was even a big North Heights News sign welcoming me back! Well it has been over 50 years but, they really shouldn't have...
The long hallway which once housed Mrs. Tyler and my third grade class is now home to four rooms of kindergartners.
The cafeteria looked the same with the very stage we all nervously and excitedly performed our grand performances. Just think, this is where it all started for our very own Norman Snow...and, can you believe lunch costs were only two shiny dimes way back then...
And, as I walked into the office (which use to be my first grade room) I was in awe of the same stately wooden mail racks where I would often be called upon to help sort mail for the office secretary, Mrs. Burnett...
 It was a very rewarding exerience, however we were saddened by the news that North Height's days were probably numbered...seems like the old lady can't house all the children anymore and it's just easier to tear it down than to keep adding on...sad but glad I got to visit before that happens...