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Monday, July 30, 2012

Dejá Vu on the Buffalo

We are so fortunate to have the Buffalo River in our own backyard! And, 2012 is the Buffalo's 40th anniversary as the very first national river appointed by Congress in 1972. And, because they didn't dam the Buffalo way back then, this river's natural beauty will be forever unchanged and always enjoyed by me (since long before 1972) and those who love it for generations to come. So, while enjoying the pristine areas of the Buffalo the other day (for the umpteenth time),  I certainly wasn't prepared for the dejá vu moment that jumped on me like green on a bean...

At the Pruitt Landing on Hwy 7 in the Jasper area, I stopped for a closer look at a beautiful opening on the Buffalo, and as I slowly drove down toward the swimmers splashing in the river, I realized immediately that it had long ago been an overnight camping area (now a swimming and picnic day park) that a friend and I had visited in 1958! 55 years can put some serious strain on your memory and although I had always remembered the trip, I was way too young to remember where, in Jasper, my third grade friend, Rita, her parents, and I  had stopped for the week end, pulled out the tent, cooked over an open fire, and swam below the bridge off Hwy 7. Rita and I even met a cute boy that weekend... Some things you never forget, some things you certainly want to, and some things jump out at you in a dejá vu moment that you get to experience all over again just as good (well, almost) as the first time...

Monday, July 23, 2012

On A Quest For...Who's Keeping Up Appearances in Your Circles?

You have to love (or hate) this character who seems way too REAL for me! Hyacinth Bucket  constantly thinks herself superior to all others, she's forever embellishing her common social status, she's repeatedly struggling to keep up with the Jones (these day the Kardashians), she has no real friends or anyone who is able to tolerate her for an extended period of time (except her husband Richard), and above all she is overly positive while consistently oblivious to all the negativity she creates in her life. I've got a few Hyacinths in my circles, don't you?

Friday, July 20, 2012

On A Quest For...The Lost Art of Thank You Notes

"Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other."
                                            Randy Pausch ~ The Last Lecture

So, when was the last time you sent an old fashioned, simple yet powerful, one of a kind gesture of thoughtful appreciation to someone who did something really nice for you ~ like a hand written thank you note? Well, that's too long.

Don't be one of those to loose such a beautiful thing in your life (along with other lost arts such as letter writing, secret keeping, or reading a real book to name a few). Choose to send notes of praise to family, friends, or even strangers who go out of their way to maybe buy a gift, donate some food, give some of their time, loan you some money. Choose not to be one of the ungrateful...send a note to someone today! And, yes...emails, phone calls, and IMs  (maybe not as eloquent) do count!!


Monday, July 16, 2012

On A Quest For...the best soul food in Arkansas

Just had lunch today at the best soul food café in the whole state of Arkansas! Hands down the Hole in the Wall Café at the Old Gin in Conway, Arkansas will soon be famous (if it isn't already.) People will drive from all over the state (and even beyond) to try this cozy lil' hole in the wall at 1016 Markham Street smack in the heart of Conway.  They will be seeking out that soon to be famous (if it isn't already) crispy, round, fried cornbread! I honestly can't describe how good it was. The scrumptious food line was filled with tons of choices such as made from scratch veggies, smothered chicken, broccoli casserole, fried okra, sweet tea, coconut cream pie, etc. Nice salad bar as well. Two meals with one pie and two teas came to around $20 bucks with tip extra. Open only on weekdays unless you rent the big room for events.

Thought I knew how to cook cornbread until I ate here today...even the young kid who encouraged us to fill out a comment card on the table (no matter what), was absolutely perfect with his pitch for this simply delightful place!

Hole In The Wall on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On A Quest For...the best BBQ in Arkansas

For many years I have been On A Quest For some really good, finger licking BBQ entrés in the Natural State. And, what I've discovered is that Memphis has nothing on us Arkies when it comes to BBQ! So catch me if you can as I keep lookin', eatin', and bloggin' for the most succulent, delicious, meaty, BBQ in Arkansas! If you have a favorite, please tell me in the comment section below and I will travel far and wide to see if you know what you're blabbin' about!

My first quest is here at home in the Central Arkansas area. There are lots of these joints all over Arkansas and the Whole Hog Café in North Little Rock has certainly got plenty of delicious, award winning BBQ to choose from. My favorite choice is the 4 Rib Pork Plate butt besides those tender, tasty, wonderfully spiced smoked pork ribs, I love Whole Hog Café because:

  • No standing around waiting for a freshly bused table after I place my order. Now of course there might be a short time in the order line, but time goes very quickly and these pork connoisseurs even have trash mags for me to catch up on if I get bored. Plenty of tables to handle lots of folks!
  • 7 Magnificent choices of BBQ sauce: #1 Classic Sweet & Mild, #2 Tangy, Sweet, Spicy, & Tomato, #3 Same as #2 only spicier, #4 Traditional Southern Vinegar & Spice, #5 Sweet, Dark, Bold, & Molasses, #6 Rich Mustard & Vinegar, and #7 Volcano. Guess my favorite, be the first to email the answer to diannehocut@live.com before August 1, 2012, and win a Whole Hog Café gift card from me!!
  • Homemade desserts such as my favorite, Sweet Potato Pie!
I do have a problem with Whole Hog Café...am I the only one in Arkansas who dislikes that sour cream based potato salad? The beans and slaw will do nicely for my two sides whenever I'm there to enjoy the 4 Bone Rib Plate and Sweet Potato Pie!

Whole Hog Cafe (North Little Rock) on Urbanspoon

Saturday, July 7, 2012

On A Quest For Dairy and Gluten Free Delights...

The other day, lunch at the Dempsey Bakery was such a wonderful dairy and gluten free experience! I actually went overboard and tried just about one of everything and then bought a few take home items, as well. Pricey but soooo worth it! With plenty of samples, lots of friendly smiles, and sparkling surroundings this place is the new healthy spot in Little Rock for special needs people and those who just love good food. The Avocado Veggie Sandwich and Tomato Basil Soup were pleasantly filling and left plenty of room for the phenomenal Key Lime Tart and Milk Cake to take home. There is something to this health craze...don't be the last one to experience it!

Dempsey Bakery on Urbanspoon