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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Another 2020 Nightmare Story

The year started off okay but come October 2020, it all went to hell in a hand basket. My family has and still  is steering clear of the dreaded, complicated, and confusing COVID-19 virus. PTL! No problems there. Wearing our masks, social distancing, and staying home as much as possible seems to be the answer for many. However, there are other travesties that could change your life in an instant. 

My very healthy and active 92 year old mother fell one night going to the bathroom, broke her hip, had hip replacement surgery, recovered from anesthesia, and was ordered released from the hospital in all of three days. But going home was not meant to be. She could not urinate so they couldn’t release her. That night she developed pneumonia from aspiration, sending her body into a downward spiral. She then coded, was brought back, placed on a respirator, and was doing very well. The final blow were the gases that had developed in her bloodstream which caused her death.  

My mother was a fighter. If anyone could have made it through all that, it would have been her. It was just her time. Her time to fold it all in. We never know what cards are going to be dealt our way, we just need to figure out what to do with our hands https://youtu.be/tnAHN1guHbs

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Living The Happy Life...

I’ve been through a rough 2019 with the major loss of my spouse. Then comes the year 2020. Actually, this year has been a wonderful year. No COVID-19 close to home, no other illnesses, no family problems. Life is good. I do know that it could all change in a second. I don’t believe there will be no other dilemmas, I just know how to deal with them. GRATITUDE THERAPY for the blessings I have has been a daily ritual for me. I am grateful my home has sold, grateful for my health, grateful for being closer to my family, grateful for friends. In fact, I am always able to find  things I am grateful for. Can you? And, a giggle a day doesn’t hurt! Have you giggled today?

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all! It is so exciting to rejoice this stormy Easter day in the faith and hope of our resurrected Christ and, that's why we as Christians, must spread the good news with kindness and grace. He is Risen! 

Most of my life was spent with a weak voice and sometimes, even, an abrasive voice. I think I'm in that middle of the road voice now where I can be assertive with my thoughts and convictions without doing harm to anyone and their faith.

I believe after an abundance of IN-DEPTH BIBLE STUDY, a giant leap of FAITH, and a huge dollop of HOPE that God came to us as Jesus Christ, died for our sins, was resurrected three days later and now is the Holy Spirit that lives in my heart and soul.

So, in good faith, I choose to speak up and assert myself with this wonderful acclamation of faith and hope that He is Risen! I hope you use this idea of having a strong voice for what you truly believe in and surely it will build your confidence and courage in all walks of life, as it has mine.

And BTW, Have You Giggled Today...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Little Girls Young and Old

I ran into a group of old ladies last night as I was having dinner with my daughter. I have known these old ladies since grade school. We are all the same old age. Oops! I guess that means I'm an old lady, too. Anyway, we were cordial, as we usually are, when we bump into each other, as we all still live in the same little old town we all grew up in. But somehow, as we all exchanged niceties, I realized some old things never change. And, I've taken on a few pearls of wisdom as I've gotten older. Like, I will never be asked to join "the in group" nor, do I want to join (anymore). Nor will I ever fit in with such a group that somehow cannot move past their younger selves. I'm digging deeper, always wanting a more diverse world to live in. I've also learned that I'm not better, I'm just different. And, that's OK. But, the most powerful thing I've learned is that some people never grow up, they just get older. Gosh, I want to be a grown up some day. Until that day comes, I will keep on steering clear of any toxic type relationships, learn to love ME times, seek a more diversified existence, and get used to eating alone (or sometimes with my BFF daughter shown below at Lassis Inn.)

OH, BTW Have you giggled today???

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My Wish For Married Couples...

It’s been 243 days since my husband died. I’ve just returned to Facebook after a long while. I guess that’s how long it takes to come back to the real world. Lol That’s a touch of sarcasm (if you didn’t know) which I cannot refrain from because I love sarcastic humor and satire. Sorta like like the best picture winner at Oscars 2020, Parasite. Love it, you’ve got to catch it. 

Anyway, back to sarcasm and marriage. My wish for all happy couples (finally after all those years of perseverance), I hope you all die blissfully together (maybe in a fiery car crash) and not have to experience the painful journey of grief and loss we must all go through, to get back to the other side. And yes, it is a mandatory process. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

209 Days

Hello, again. My husband died last June, unexpectedly. I wonder if things might be easier if it had been expected. Probably not. 

After 209 days, I have finally removed his clothes and personal items from our home. Actually, not all. Some  things I couldn’t let go of.  I’ve boxed them up. I have donated most of the other items to Goodwill. I chose Goodwill because they sell their donations and people will appreciate what nice bargains they are getting. He was my Ken doll. I always dressed him nicely and stylishly. 
This chore was one of the most dreaded things I knew I had to do. I also have not cleared out his medicine cabinet in the bathroom. His shaving items, deodorant, toothbrush, etc. They are still untouched as he left them. I wonder how many days that will take. Grief sucks. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy New Year...

Hello, I’m Di. I’m a griefaholic. My husband of 31 years died last summer, unexpectedly. We had a rough start at the beginning of our marriage but, the last 11 years were truly a godsend. Re-evaluation, renewed wedding vows, and a new business adventure gave us the best years of our lives. I am grateful to have lived out those last years with the best friend I’ve ever had. He loved me as no other did, he gave me everything I ever wanted, and he was the funniest guy I’ll ever know. Goodbye for now and my heart will always belong to you...