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Friday, December 27, 2013

Seven Dogs of Rescue...

Of the first time I rescued...a lost dog found me...a cute beagle doggie with a loving plea.

Of the second time I rescued...a lost dog found me...a little black and adorable puppy.

Of the third time I rescued...a lost dog found me... a red looking bird dog, with sad eyes, and many, many fleas.

Of the fourth time I rescued...a lost dog found me...a smart little terrier we would soon deeply love, and we named her Honey.

Of the fifth time I rescued...a lost dog found me... a never ending herder, we named her Ellie, the border collie.

Of the sixth time I rescued...a lost dog found me... a full blooded, beautiful, and black Scottie. 

Of the seventh time I rescued...a lost dog found me...an ever loving shepherd, with eyes like an angel, and we named her Daisy.

Yes , it all started with:
1 doggie glancing...
2 doggies prancing... 
3 doggies crying...
4 doggies whining...
5 doggies sad...
6 doggies praying...
7 tails a wagging...
And, now all doggies with a mommy...SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHELTER, PLEASE!

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