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Friday, November 11, 2011

On A Quest For the Annual Silver Tea in Eureka Springs, Arkansas 2011

Every year in December, the wonderful women from Saint James Episcopal Church in Eureka Springs, Arkansas throw a memorable event for all those who attend called The Annual Silver Tea at the Crescent Hotel. This year the event will be held Thursday, December 1, 2011 from two till four in the afternoon.

I love attending this event because the people of this exciting Ozark/Victorian city go all out to welcome everyone who attends! They dress in full Victorian costume, make delicious homemade desserts and sandwiches, and serve tea the proper English way with the finest silver service the Crescent Hotel has to offer. The event is donation at the door and always goes toward a fine project in the Eureka Springs area. Last year's beneficiary was the Carnagie Library and the year before was the Good Shepherd Humane Society of Eureka Springs.  The Christmas Parade in the downtown historic district will follow on Saturday. Check out some pics I took last year and do save the date! Will I see you there??

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