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Monday, November 14, 2011

On A Quest For The Crystal Bridges Of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas

OMG, HTB(Heavens to Betsy), and I do declayah, RUN don't walk to the new museum, graciously given to us by The Walton's from Bentonville, Arkansas! And, special thanks to Miss Alice who seems to be the lady in charge of this huge extravaganza!! For many, her monumental task might be considered the cart before the horse,(check this link to see what I mean) however, some of us are of the philosophy if you build it, they will come! And, a whopping $1.2 billion is said to have built this project! Believe me, they weren't telling tall tales! Oh, and admission is free, just do as I did, and go to http://CrystalBridges.org to reserve your tickets today. Easy as pie!

This exclusive wonder is located just minutes from the town square where Sam Walton started it all and is nestled in a 120 acre ravine which spans the creek called Crystal Spring. Take I540N toward Bentonville, exit 86, left at the light, down to J Street and hang a right, and follow the signs. Once there you will discover a breathtaking array of 400 works by American artists which tell the story of America's history as seen by its artists. Temporary exhibitions are on display as well. Be sure to keep your mouth closed (so a bug won't fly in) and do plan on staying the entire day with elaborate amenities such as the Coffee Bar, the Museums's restaurant, Eleven, which serves an innovative twist to lunch and dinner cuisine, the Museum Store(of course), and The Library which offers a large collection of art reference materials.  Click the link for hours and details! The grounds of the Museum are just as impressive as the art inside so be sure to dress comfortably and experience the natural environment too.

I took tons of pictures but, just as I did when I traveled to The Louvre in Paris... pictures do not do justice...you have to go for yourself... anyway, here are few of my favorites which kept my jar dropping...on my day at the Museum...

Of course, Norman Rockwell(1894-1926) Rosie the Riveter, 1943 Oil on canvas

Mary Cassatt(1844-1926) Summertime, 1894 Oil on canvas

Andy Warhol(1928-1987) Dolly Parton, 1985 Synthetic polymer and screen print on canvas

Evan Penny(b.1953) Old Self: Portrait of the Artist as He Will (Not) Be, Variation #2, 2010 Silicone, pigment, hair, fabric, aluminum

Karen Lamonte(b.1967) Dress Impression with Wrinkled Cowl, 2007 Cast glass

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