Here's the recipe for my Really Potent Homemade Vanilla Extract:
750 ml bottle of vodka
12 whole vanilla beans (I can sometimes find vanilla beans, two per bottle for $8 at Walmart or shop online for a better buy)
dark rum (optional)
1. With kitchen scissors, split the vanilla beans down the line but not completely in half.
2. Take a swig or two of the vodka (or pour some out) in order to make room for stuffing the split vanilla beans into the bottle.
3. Recap tightly and store in a cool, dark place. Periodically shake the bottle. Ready in a couple of months.
4. When ready, decanter into smaller bottles using a funnel. If you want a bigger kick and stretch for your vanilla beans, after the first decanting, pour a little dark rum into the big bottle. Shake and store till the next decanting.
Will last a long time if stored properly in a cool, dark place. Now get out there and drink more vodka...oops...bake more goodies!!
Thanks for the comment and will do on adding Daily Dish to my blogroll.