Would Love A Follow

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Lotta Evil In This World...

Yes, there is a whole lotta evil going on in this world. It comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. You must guard every aspect of your life at all times. Because at any moment, when you least expect it, up jumps some evil in your life!

And, so it happened to me the other day at Best Buy. Innocently I allowed evil to come in and now my life is sort of in shambles for the past few weeks. But, I'm not a quitter and  I'm working through it. I've got to be positive and believe I'm gonna make it.  I've succeeded a teeny, tiny tad which gives me hope. And, Heaven knows next time, I will be more aware of the evil that lurks among us and protect myself and family at all costs.

So, please learn from my dilemma, if you will:
Windows 8.1 should not be taken lightly. It is a cruel and unusual punishment for those of us who have not updated our software in a while. It is especially taunting for those who have been enjoying the heck out of our iPhone for many years. But, if you work hard, persevere, and have faith, I know you will, like me, reach the other side. Take care, good luck, and yes, an old dog can learn new tricks. (Gee, I wish the grand kids lived closer, I know they could help me through this.)

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