Would Love A Follow

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day...

My dad died in 2013 at the age of 88. He had suffered from several strokes the previous 25 years. Having been a strong man all his life, his declining mobility and frailty were extremely hard to experience through that passage of time. However,  his brilliant mind was left beautifully intact.  

He was a machinist for the Mo Pac RR in NLR for over 50 years and was well known and respected for being able to repair anything brought before him. They would say, "If Bill can't fix it, you just as well throw it away."

He taught me many valuable lessons in life like the value of hard work, money, and the importance of family to name a few. However, the best thing he transferred to me was his shining example of perseverence and doing the best he could at everything he would ever do.

Declarations such as always, never, and everything are often mistakenly used but hardly ever true. But, in the name of Bill Montgomery, these words are always correct. I will always love my Daddy and never forget him ever. He was everything to me. 


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