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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My Wish For Married Couples...

It’s been 243 days since my husband died. I’ve just returned to Facebook after a long while. I guess that’s how long it takes to come back to the real world. Lol That’s a touch of sarcasm (if you didn’t know) which I cannot refrain from because I love sarcastic humor and satire. Sorta like like the best picture winner at Oscars 2020, Parasite. Love it, you’ve got to catch it. 

Anyway, back to sarcasm and marriage. My wish for all happy couples (finally after all those years of perseverance), I hope you all die blissfully together (maybe in a fiery car crash) and not have to experience the painful journey of grief and loss we must all go through, to get back to the other side. And yes, it is a mandatory process. 

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